Minutes of AGM 26/08/99

The Mad Hatter Hotel, Waterloo

Joanne (for dfuse)
Andy Henson (new member!)

Ian (dfuse)

* Quorum: we decided that although we were one man down for the 2/3 quorum, we justified proceeding with the meeting using a formula involving complex constitutional theory and representational engineering (for further information ask Dan).

Agenda Items:

1. Beer:
Achieved to all attendees satisfaction

2. New Member:
After probing Andy Henson about what he plans to do on Alice (mostly technical stuff of negligible bandwidth overhead), we voted to accept our latest member. He has accepted the Joining Fee and so we are now 13. Hurrah!

ACTION: Jonathan to set up login for Andy.

3. NT - do we get another server?
Extensive discussion revealed that all present would not in principle object to having an NT box, but it was agreed that there are a number of thorny issues surrounding this. Since none present had any pressing need for Windows, it was agreed to think about this some more - possibly setting up an "NT Working Party" of interested members to examine the issues. The Club is also reminded of the fact that you can get ASP extensions for Linux (although nobody has any experience of this).

4. Hatters Year II - the price, the plan:
With agenda item 3 agreed (no NT box for now), we have ample funds in the bank to cover emergencies (see financial statement attached, so it was agreed that the fee for Year II should be a nominal one to show a commitment from each member only.

This fee was therefore set at £50.00 plus VAT as per Peter's suggestion. An amazing deal, an amazing club.

[Invoices for the new year (beginning October 10th) at the agreed rate of £50.00 plus VAT will be dispatched shortly afterwards. Payment by return please ladies and gentlemen. - Peter]

All attendees indicated their firm desire to continue their membership.

5. MX Secondaries:
Some members have or will be having quite a lot of mail on their domains, so it was agreed to look for a deal with a third party to arrange secondarying. Jonathan suggested Peter Gradwell of Gradwell.Com, and will contact him to see if he might want to either do a swap (we do his if he does ours), or a simple flat-rate deal (he already sells secondaries for £5.00 + VAT each per year).

ACTION: Jonathan to contact Peter Gradwell

6. AOB:

* Bandwidth and Resources:
Ian asked how much we're using now. We don't really know. Dan has been looking at the mail logs to see which members have been pushing the most through sendmail (the winner: Haywire!), but all measurements of overall and individual usage are guestimates (again, Haywire comes out tops though). Disk space is NOT a problem (using about 15%), nor is processor usage (averging about 5-10% load).
Overall, we think we're using perhaps 1/2 to 2/3 our total allocation, but that could be wrong...

ACTION: Jonathan to ask Oaktree if they can give us an overall figure.

* Secure Server: Andy G was looking at getting a certificate for secure.hatters.org.uk, but we're not sure where he got with that. It was agreed that getting a third party is mainly for the (arguably spurious) peace of mind of punters. A "legitimate" certificate does not give a warning message to punters about "un-trusted hosts" but the actual encryption is of course unaffected either way. The Club is reminded that pointing your browser to https://secure.hatters.org.uk/ takes you to the existing secure server on Alice. For further information, ask Jonathan.

ACTION: Any G to keep pursuing the details with Thwate, et. al.

* List Servers:
eGroups is unreliable. Members would like to be able to set up mailing lists on Alice and the Club should have it's own.

ACTION: Jonathan to look at this again.

* Apache/PHP/MySQL
Steve pointed out that se are now lagging behind with our currently installed version of the above software. It was agreed that we should try to upgrade as soon as convenient.

ACTION: Jonathan to look at this again (he almost did it a while ago, but chickened out).



This document maintained by Hatters' Hostmaster for The Mad Hatters.
Last modified: 08/01/2000