Minutes of 14th AGM - Sunday 14th October 2012

Mad Hatter Hotel, Waterloo 2:00pm


Jonathan, Steve, David, Andy G


Michael, Alan, Jahingo, Joanna, Richard

Minutes from Previous Meeting and Matters Arising

Joanna and Dfuse

Joanna said that Dfuse no longer have a need for the Hatters, but that she would like to take over their account. We agreed that would be fine, and that a new SSH key should be generated so she can hand over administration from Ian "The Master" Masters to a new person once she is ready to do that. She will also send her contact details to David for billing.

ACTION: JBB to generate new SSH key pair when appropriate. Also, if anyone would like to provide some paid tutelage in the ways of the Hatters server for Joanna to better manage her resources, please step forward.

Agenda Items

1. SSL certificates

It was decided to renew the certificate for tradeline.org.uk for a further year. As last year, it was thought that while members may not actually need it now, at approximately £35, it would be better safe than sorry.

ACTION: David to renew with Geotrust.

2. vestafires.co.uk default site

For some reason, vestafires.co.uk is coming up as the default site on Alice when no Apache hosts match (on both ports 80 and 443)

ACTION: JBB to sort look at configs so that hatters.org.uk and tradline.org.uk come up as defaults for port 80 and 443 respectively.

3. Should we install more RAM?

While Alice's CPU is not overly taxed, we are routinley using about two-thirds of our 4Gb memory. It was felt that as we have enough in the contingency fund, we should upgrade to 8Gb (the maximum for our hardware) to head off any potential problems in the future, and to better faciliate virtualization, should we decide to do that.

ACTION: JBB/David to organise purchase and install of more RAM

4. Disk usage

We are not using much of Alice's disk space right now, but members may want to delete anyting spare in /home/oldalice since this makes it harder to work out how much "real" space we are using

ACTION: All members to review the content of /home/oldalice/accountname and delete anything not needed

5. Meeting quorum

With several members now living outside London and the South East, it was felt that the current rule stating that Rule III. 2 ("... A quorum of 60% of the total Club membership (rounded down) shall be present before the business of the AGM can be conducted.") is not longer practical. JBB pointed out that in previous years when we have not been quorate, we have made decisions at the meeting and asked for objections on the list before finalisaing the minutes. However, it was felt that while we should do that this time, we should also vote to reduce the quorum to 50% (rounded down) and amend the Rules accordingly.

ACTION: JBB to organise a vote on the mailing list on this.

6. Members' Subscription for 2013

While the meeting was not quorate, those attending agreed the subscription to be £100 plus VAT (£120 incl.). It was further agreed that we are not going to upgrade our hardware this year (aside from the RAM upgrade) so ths subscription will not contribute to the upgrade fund. Note that in the event of any members dropping out before paying the 2013 subscription, we should make up the shortfall from the savings account.

ACTION: David to send out invoices. Please can all members pay ASAP as the Hatters Year has already begun!

The meeting was then called to an end.